Current Local Time in Kasongo-Lunda, Kwango, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Current local time in Kasongo-Lunda, Kwango, Democratic Republic of the Congo
March 28
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About Kasongo-Lunda

Discover Kasongo-Lunda, which is located in Democratic Republic of the Congo, home to 20,060 residents, with a Latitude, Longitude of 6° 28' 41.99" S, 6° 28' 41.99" S. Today is Friday, March 28, and the city observes the West Africa Standard Time time zone. It's 1 month and 3 days away from the next major holiday, Labour Day.

Stay informed with the current local time in Kasongo-Lunda, including the exact day of the week and date. Discover detailed information about the local time zone, population, sunrise and sunset, and other interesting facts about Kasongo-Lunda, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Find everything you need to know about Kasongo-Lunda, including its population, time zone, currency, and dialing code for Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Current Date and Time Information

This year is not a leap year, so our calendar we will have 365 days this year. We have 3 more days left in the month of March. We are currently on the 87th day of the year, with 278 days remaining and so far 23.84% of the year has passed.

Key Information About Kasongo-Lunda

Current UTC Offset
UTC +01
Country ISO 2
Country ISO 3
Country Dialing Code
Top Level Domain
Time Zone Identifier
0 Meters or 0 Feet
Currency Code / Name
CDF / Franc
Coordinates in Decimal Degrees (DD)
Latitude: -6.47833
Longitude: 16.81735
Coordinates in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS)
Latitude: 6° 28' 41.99" S
Longitude: 16° 49' 2.46" E
Coordinates in Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DMM)
Latitude: 6° 28.700' S
Longitude: 16° 49.041' E
Alternate Names of Kasongo-Lunda
KGN, Kasongo-Lunda

Interactive Map of Kasongo-Lunda