Current Local Time in General Jose de San Martin, Chaco, Argentina
About General Jose de San Martin
Discover General Jose de San Martin, which is located in Argentina, home to 31,758 residents, with a Latitude, Longitude of 26° 32' 14.75" S, 26° 32' 14.75" S. Today is Sunday, February 2, and the city observes the Argentina Standard Time time zone. It's 28 days away from the next major holiday, Shrove Monday.
Stay informed with the current local time in General Jose de San Martin, including the exact day of the week and date. Discover detailed information about the local time zone, population, sunrise and sunset, and other interesting facts about General Jose de San Martin, Argentina. Find everything you need to know about General Jose de San Martin, including its population, time zone, currency, and dialing code for Argentina.
Current Date and Time Information
This year is not a leap year, so we have no extra day in February and only 365 days this year. We have 26 more days left in the month of February. We are currently on the 33rd day of the year, with 332 days remaining and so far 9.04% of the year has passed.
Key Information About General Jose de San Martin
Argentina Standard Time
UTC -03
0 Meters or 0 Feet
ARS / Peso
Latitude: -26.53743
Longitude: -59.34158
Latitude: 26° 32' 14.75" S
Longitude: 59° 20' 29.69" W
Latitude: 26° 32.246' S
Longitude: 59° 20.495' W
Cheneral Chose de San Martinas, Colonia Zapallar, El Zapallar, General Jose de San Martin, General José de San Martín, General San Martin, General San Martín, Zapallar, aljnral khwsyh dy san martyn, sheng ma ding jiang jun zhen, الجنرال خوسيه دي سان مارتين, 聖馬丁將軍鎮