About Batagay-Alyta
Discover Batagay-Alyta, which is located in Russia, home to 1,666 residents, with a Latitude, Longitude of 67° 47' 54.46" N, 67° 47' 54.46" N. Today is Saturday, February 22, and the city observes the Yakutsk Standard Time time zone.
Stay informed with the current local time in Batagay-Alyta, including the exact day of the week and date. Discover detailed information about the local time zone, population, sunrise and sunset, and other interesting facts about Batagay-Alyta, Russia. Find everything you need to know about Batagay-Alyta, including its population, time zone, currency, and dialing code for Russia.
Current Date and Time Information
This year is not a leap year, so we have no extra day in February and only 365 days this year. We have 6 more days left in the month of February. We are currently on the 53rd day of the year, with 312 days remaining and so far 14.52% of the year has passed.
Key Information About Batagay-Alyta
- Time Zone
- Yakutsk Standard Time
- Current UTC Offset
- UTC +09
- Country ISO 2
- RU
- Country ISO 3
- Population
- 1,666
- Country Dialing Code
- +7
- Top Level Domain
- .ru
- Time Zone Identifier
- Asia/Yakutsk
- Country
- Russia
- Elevation
- 0 Meters or 0 Feet
- Currency Code / Name
- RUB / Ruble
- Coordinates in Decimal Degrees (DD)
- Latitude: 67.79846
Longitude: 130.40119 - Coordinates in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS)
- Latitude: 67° 47' 54.46" N
Longitude: 130° 24' 4.28" E - Coordinates in Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DMM)
- Latitude: 67° 47.908' N
Longitude: 130° 24.071' E - Alternate Names of Batagay-Alyta
- Alytay-Bataga, Batagai-Alyta, Batagaj-Alyta, Batagay-Alyta, SUK, Sakkyryr, Батагай-Алыта, Саккырыр