World Cities by Population (48581 to 48600)

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City Region Country Time Zone Population
Welshpool Wales United Kingdom Greenwich Mean Time 5,948


Russia Yakutsk Standard Time 5,948
Crumlin Wales United Kingdom Greenwich Mean Time 5,947
Gura Vitioarei Prahova Romania Eastern European Standard Time 5,947


Slovakia Central European Standard Time 5,947
Madeley Western Australia Australia Australian Western Standard Time 5,946


Ivory Coast Greenwich Mean Time 5,946
Immenstaad am Bodensee


Germany Central European Standard Time 5,946
Magtaking Ilocos Philippines Philippine Standard Time 5,946
Staporkow Swietokrzyskie Poland Central European Standard Time 5,946
Corcova Mehedinti County Romania Eastern European Standard Time 5,946


Germany Central European Standard Time 5,945
Torrelles de Llobregat Catalonia Spain Central European Standard Time 5,945


Palestinian Territory Eastern European Standard Time 5,945
Yaphank New York United States Eastern Standard Time 5,945


Germany Central European Standard Time 5,944
Le Palais-sur-Vienne


France Central European Standard Time 5,944
Seano Tuscany Italy Central European Standard Time 5,944


Russia Ulyanovsk Standard Time 5,944


Russia Moscow Standard Time 5,944
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