Italy Cities by Population (6241 to 6260)
Search all cities within the country of Italy. Find out the population, time zones, current local time and more Italy facts.
City | Region | Country | Population | |
Nosadello | Lombardy | Italy | 1,108 | |
Villamagna | Abruzzo | Italy | 1,107 | |
Monterenzio | Emilia-Romagna | Italy | 1,107 | |
Cola | Veneto | Italy | 1,107 | |
Sezzadio | Piedmont | Italy | 1,107 | |
Stazione di Allerona | Umbria | Italy | 1,107 | |
Vazzano | Calabria | Italy | 1,106 | |
Ponso | Veneto | Italy | 1,106 | |
Castello Molina di Fiemme | Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy | 1,106 | |
Alserio | Lombardy | Italy | 1,106 | |
Passaggio | Umbria | Italy | 1,106 | |
Salino | Abruzzo | Italy | 1,106 | |
Passarella | Veneto | Italy | 1,105 | |
Ozegna | Piedmont | Italy | 1,105 | |
Celle di Bulgheria | Campania | Italy | 1,105 | |
Torreselle | Veneto | Italy | 1,105 | |
Arcinazzo Romano | Lazio | Italy | 1,105 | |
Porporano | Emilia-Romagna | Italy | 1,104 | |
Pero | Veneto | Italy | 1,104 | |
Vaccheria | Piedmont | Italy | 1,104 |