Receipt Template in Excel (Simple)
Free receipt template in Excel format. It is editable, customizable, printable, downloadable, and free to use. This template is in Simple design.
Receipts are generated for various purposes. Besides being used as proof of financial transactions, a business can also use these documents for tax purposes.
If you’re looking for a free receipt template to use, you’re in the right page. You can use this receipt format in Simple design to record important information of your business dealings with your clients. It captures the total due as well as the total amount paid by the customer.
The receipt template excel also has formulas, helping you accurately calculate the total amount of goods/services sold per customer.
Use this printable receipt by filling out details on the blank sections provided. It includes sections for the payment date, receipt #, where the receipt came from, bill-to address, description, quantity, unit price, total, subtotal, tax rate, tax, miscellaneous, total due, and amount paid. A section for comments is also provided at the lowermost part of the receipt form for you to leave important notes or comments.
Fill out the payment date and receipt #. This is indicated at the top section of the receipt template. Here, you need to indicate the date when the payment was made as well as the receipt #.
Enter your company information. Enter your name (or company name) and business address in this section. It includes the street address, city, state, zip code, and phone number.
Enter the customer's information. In the "sold to" section, enter the name and the billing address of the person or company whom you have sold the goods/services to. The sold-to information includes the name (or company name) of your client, their address, city, state, zip code, and phone number.
List all the goods/services sold to your client. Under the description column, list all the goods/services sold to your client or customer. Each item listed should have a corresponding quantity and unit price entered on the same row.
Indicate the quantity and unit price for each listed item. After listing down all the goods/services sold, you should enter its corresponding quantity and unit price on the same row. Once these details are entered, the total, subtotal, and total due should automatically get calculated.
Enter the tax rate and other miscellaneous charges. Enter the tax rate (%) as well as applicable miscellaneous charges on the sections provided. Once tax rate is entered, actual dollar amount of tax should be displayed under the tax section. The amount generated will be automatically added in the total due, along with the subtotal and the miscellaneous charges (if there’s any).
Indicate the total amount paid. Under the amount paid section, indicate the total amount paid by your client with reference to the goods or services purchased.
Add comments if applicable.
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