Maundy Thursday in the Philippines

When is Maundy Thursday in Philippines?

Maundy Thursday in Philippines is on April 17, 2025. It falls on Thursday.

How many days until Maundy Thursday in Philippines?

There are 33 Days left until Maundy Thursday in the Philippines.

Is Maundy Thursday a public holiday in Philippines?

Maundy Thursday, typically known as Holy Thursday, is one of the significant religious Christian holiday celebrations in the Philippines. Primarily known for its local term as Huwebes Santo, the holiday is celebrated in commemoration for the washing of the feet of Jesus’ disciples and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His Apostles, as what is told on the Bible. It is the first statutory public holiday for the Semana Santa (Holy Week). Maundy Thursday is solemnly observed every Thursday before Easter which falls on April 9 in this year. During the holiday, all schools are practically closed, and most businesses, organizations, establishments, and banks are not open as well up to Holy Saturday.

About Maundy Thursday

The official name of the holiday which is Maundy Thursday was originally derived from the word Mandatum, an old Latin word which literally means ‘commandment’. The word signifies the day of the new commandment where Jesus Christ gave an order during the Last Supper indicating that “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). The observance of Maundy Thursday was publicly noted since 393 AD by various countries around the world. It was elderly called as Sheer Thursday. Maundy Thursday was made known in the Philippines on 1500s when Spaniards colonized the country. Since then, Christianity was being influenced in the entire nation. Maundy Thursday was one of the oldest holidays observe along with other celebrations for the Holy Week not just in the Philippines but also in other countries.

Maundy Thursday Traditions in the Philippines

Filipinos always follow old and new traditions for the holiday. For Holy Week, specifically during Maundy Thursday, drinking alcohol is forbidden. It is also not allowed to make such loud noises like shouting, singing, and many more. The church offers a lot of services. Roads would have light traffic since most establishments are close.

Church Services

Christians would go in church and attend morning prayers with the priest. Rituals are observed during the mass for the holiday. Filipinos would undertake fasting. They do this to audibly understand how Jesus suffer and sacrificed for Christians.

Re-enactment of Jesus Washing the Feet of His Twelve Disciples

People would witness the re-enactment of how Jesus washed the feet of His twelve disciples. As part of the religious ritual for the observance of the holiday, the priest would wash the feet of the twelve people who are involved in church activities. The priest would serve as Jesus Christ and the twelve people would act as His Apostles.

Visita Iglesia

Processions are also observed during the holiday. Many Filipinos would walk for approximately 25 kilometers for the procession. Another Filipino tradition for Maundy Thursday is called Visita Iglesia. People would visit seven different churches while praying ‘Daan ng Krus’. Daan ng Krus is a prayer which clearly specify the happenings during the Passion of Jesus Christ on his last hour. This is done on the nighttime of the holiday together with their families.

Family Quality Time

During the holiday, families would spend time catching up with each other’s lives. They would only focus on enjoying the things relating to the holiday and nothing more like thinking about their schools and works.

Dates of Observance for Maundy Thursday
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 April 17 Thursday Maundy Thursday
2026 April 02 Thursday Maundy Thursday
2027 March 25 Thursday Maundy Thursday
2028 April 13 Thursday Maundy Thursday
2029 March 29 Thursday Maundy Thursday
2030 April 18 Thursday Maundy Thursday
Upcoming Philippines Holidays
Holiday Date
End of Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr) March 30, 2025
Day of Valor April 09, 2025
Maundy Thursday April 17, 2025
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Printable 2025 List of Holidays in Philippines

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