Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States

When is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in United States?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day in United States is on January 19, 2026. It falls on Monday.

How many days until Martin Luther King Jr. Day in United States?

There are 330 Days left until Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States.

Is Martin Luther King Jr. Day a public holiday in United States?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday observed on the third Monday of January each year in the United States. The holiday is also called MLK Day. This day is celebrated to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, an icon of civil rights, whose birthdate falls on January 15th. Due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, the celebration is made to occur every third Monday of the said month, resulting in a longer weekend.

About Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday observed on the third Monday of January each year in the United States. The holiday is also called MLK Day. This day is to celebrate the birthdate of Martin Luther King, Jr. (an icon of civil rights) which falls on January 15. Due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, the celebration is moved every Monday, resulting in long-weekends.

Martin Luther King’s Background

Martin Luther King was a civil rights leader, Baptist Minister, and a humanist who expanded the idea of equal rights. He was one of the leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1960s, along with Malcolm X and many others. Luther promotes human rights and equality among all American people, regardless of their origin and race. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most renowned speeches in history known as “I Have a Dream”. This holiday is observed to honor and reminisce what Luther had contributed to help shape the American justice and equality.

When did Martin Luther King Jr. Day become a public holiday?

On year 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed the bill making Martin Luther King Day a federal holiday. Its first celebration happened 3 years after the holiday was established. Other countries outside United States also recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day such as Japan, Canada, and Netherlands, though it is not part of their official public holidays.

Common American Activities during MLK Day

While there are few businesses which continue to operate on this day, most of the companies would close, and employees are naturally given a day off. As a federal holiday, government institutions and schools tend to close as well (though there are some schools and universities which remain open to educate the students about the life of Martin Luther King).

The following includes the most common activities observed by the Americans during Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day.

Local Marches and MLK Parades

One of the most common ways to celebrate this holiday is by attending local marches and parades. There are some localities/areas in the country which typically organize this type of events each year, and usually invites the public to participate. These parades are usually followed by speeches addressed by political and civil rights leaders. In addition, reading Luther’s works or watching films or documentaries are also common activities which some Americans do during the day’s celebration.

Public Lectures

Parents and some of the country’s educational institutions take this day to teach children about Martin Luther King Jr.’s work and its importance in promoting civil rights. Some children perform an activity where they create decorations using different colors such as black, white, and brown which symbolize the various skin tones in the country as a way of teaching the concept of racial equality.

Greeting Cards

Making an MLK (Martin Luther King) card for friends, families, and co-workers is also a practice done by the Americans. Such cards are created to greet others during this holiday and make a special message for them.

Importance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day to the American society

This holiday exists to honor the legacy and service of Martin Luther King Jr. To the current American society, this day is seen perfect for promoting social justice and equality regardless of people’s racial origins and backgrounds. The public are therefore encouraged to understand and support civil rights and to be mindful also on the relevant issues of today concerning the people of color, as that reflects to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Dates of Observance for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Year Date Day Holiday
2026 January 19 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2027 January 18 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2028 January 17 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2029 January 15 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2030 January 21 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2031 January 20 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Upcoming United States Holidays
Holiday Date
St. Patrick's Day March 17, 2025
Tax Day April 15, 2025
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
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Printable 2025 List of Holidays in United States

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