Immaculate Conception in Italy

When is Immaculate Conception in Italy?

Immaculate Conception in Italy is on December 8, 2025. It falls on Monday.

How many days until Immaculate Conception in Italy?

There are 287 Days left until Immaculate Conception in Italy.

Is Immaculate Conception a public holiday in Italy?

Immaculate Conception is an official public holiday in Italy. This holiday celebrates the Christian belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Immaculate Conception refers to a doctrine of Christianity stating that Virgin Mary, the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus, was free of original sin from the beginning of her conception.

Origin of Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Conception (Italian: Immacolata Concezione) is an annual holiday celebration commemorated in many countries who worship Christianity. It is generally recognized in its Italian counterpart as 'Solennità Dell'immacolata Concezione', which in English term means Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This holiday is celebrated on the Christian belief that Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, was conceived without the original sin through God’s intervention. It is observed every 8th day of December and it is one of the most essential holidays for Roman Catholic Church based on liturgical calendar. Liturgical calendar refers to a Christian year or church year that is comprised of the cycles of liturgical seasons under churches within Christianity. It determines when the celebration of saints is, and the other days of feast. Immaculate Conception specifically falls under the first season of liturgical year which is called the Week of Annunciation (otherwise called Subara).

Immaculate Conception Traditions in Italy

Despite the fact that Immaculate Conception has been observed even in earlier centuries, it wasn’t until the year 1854 when December 8 was officially declared as a holy day by the Vatican. It was specifically proclaimed by Pope Pius IX. The pope refers to the head of the Roman Catholic Church and the Bishop of Rome. As early as 1953, it has been a tradition for the Pope to pay a visit to the 19th century Italian monument called Column of the Immaculate Conception. The pope offers prayers as part of the celebration of the ceremonial holy event. The monument portrays the Virgin Mary and is located in the Central Rome towards to the Piazza di Spagna. The original event was first celebrated by the Eastern Church on December 9 as a Feast of the Conception of the Most Holy and All Pure Mother of God. It was observed in the 5th century in Syria, a country in the Middle East. By the time when the feast was converted by the Western Christian Church, the holiday began to be celebrated on December 9 commemorating the conservation and being sinless and pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.

Attending Church services

Considering that it’s a Christian holiday, churches in Rome are usually filled with people like the ones around St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City. Several people celebrate this day by attending church services. Special masses are offered and attended by Christians in several churches across Italy. Some parts in Italy also made it a tradition to offer a cultural dance on this holiday. Some Italians wear costumes on this commemoration. A lot of streets in the country are filled with festive atmosphere together with the religious music being played in several areas in Italy. It is also common to see shops selling some religious artworks such as paintings, artifacts, souvenirs, statues, and more.

Public Events

One of the areas in Italy where large crowds gather to celebrate this holiday is in Spanish Square, particularly at the Marian Column and the Spanish Steps in Rome. Religious and military parades are also observed on this day. Usually, the ones who lead the parade holds the statue of the Virgin Mary. In recent years, the holiday is now celebrated with grand fireworks for the public to enjoy. All of these occurrences and events are usually celebrated by most Italians with their families, friends, and relatives.

Early Christmas Shopping

Many Italians consider Immaculate Conception as a mark or the opening period of the Christmas season of the year, since it falls on the month of December. It is prevalent to see a large crowd shopping to buy decorations to be used for the upcoming holiday as most Christmas shops start to open on this day. This day is a public holiday however, an extra day off work is not necessarily observed if the holiday falls on a weekend (especially on Sunday) considering that weekends are usually the rest day for most Italian laborers. On this day, most government offices, banks, businesses, and other corporations are closed if the holiday falls on weekday.

Dates of Observance for Immaculate Conception
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 December 08 Monday Immaculate Conception
2026 December 08 Tuesday Immaculate Conception
2027 December 08 Wednesday Immaculate Conception
2028 December 08 Friday Immaculate Conception
2029 December 08 Saturday Immaculate Conception
2030 December 08 Sunday Immaculate Conception
Upcoming Italy Holidays
Holiday Date
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
Easter Monday April 21, 2025
Liberation Day April 25, 2025
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Monthly Calendar with Italy Holidays

The February 2025 monthly calendar for the United States shows the holidays for the month, which is helpful in planning schedule and events in reference to the upcoming holidays in the US. It is available in PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats. You may select your preferred orientation and preferred start of week since we have Monday start calendar or Sunday start calendar.

Printable 2025 List of Holidays in Italy

If you are looking for just a list of holidays in the United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates. You can choose from Letter, Legal and A4 paper sizes.