Good Friday in Singapore

When is Good Friday in Singapore?

Good Friday in Singapore is on April 18, 2025. It falls on Friday.

How many days until Good Friday in Singapore?

There are 34 Days left until Good Friday in Singapore.

Is Good Friday a public holiday in Singapore?

The Friday before Easter Sunday is a Christian holiday called Good Friday. Good Friday is celebrated to commemorate the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In Singapore, this day is designated as a public holiday. Most businesses are close and the same goes for all public institutions, schools, and universities.

Good Friday Origin

The foundation of Christianity lies on the teachings of Jesus Christ who, according to the Bible, is the son of God and the savior of mankind. As Christianity currently has the largest adherents worldwide (approximately 2.4 billion), many countries are celebrating Good Friday every year.

Importance of Good Friday

Good Friday, alongside Easter Sunday, are two of the most important celebrations observed by the Christians. Good Friday is held on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. While Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection, Good Friday, on the other hand, remembers the death of Christ through crucifixion. Jesus was put on a trial for blasphemy as he declared himself the Son of God and King of the Jews. Pontius Pilate, the official who presided over the trial had convicted Jesus and ordered his crucifixion. To look back on Jesus’ sacrifices and sufferings at the cross is the reason why Good Friday is celebrated, and why it’s such an important event for the followers of the Christian faith. Christians also believed that Jesus’ death is his sacrifice to redeem mankind’s sins.

Good Friday and its various holiday titles

Today, depending on which country it is celebrated, Good Friday is named differently. While there are countries which refer to it as Good Friday, other countries call it Black Friday, Crucifixion Day, Fast Day, Holy Friday (for most Latin nations), Long Friday (in Norway), Great Friday (by the Slavic people), Friday of Mourning (in Germany), and others. However, regardless of the varying holiday titles, the purpose of its celebration remains the same for all.

Good Friday Traditions in Singapore

Good Friday is celebrated mostly by those who adhere to Christianity. The following shows how Christians in Singapore celebrate one of the most important holidays of the Christian religion.

Veneration of the Cross

Veneration of the Cross is one way of showing devotion to Jesus on Good Friday. Like many of the Roman Catholic churches around the globe, Catholic churches in Singapore have also adopted this practice. This is one of Good Friday’s traditional practices where the churchgoers/worshippers line up and approach a cross or crucifix one at a time. They would then bow or kneel before the cross, followed by a kiss on the feet of Jesus on the crucifix. These gestures are done to show gratitude, respect, and devotion to Jesus Christ whom the Christians believed is the son of God and the savior of mankind. The area where you land the kiss is typically wiped off with a clean cloth first before the next person can do the gesture.

Special Church Services

During the celebration of Good Friday, many Christian churches across Singapore host special church services to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore, it has become customary for those Singaporeans who adhere to the Christian faith to attend the very solemn mass held for this day. These mass/services are usually held in the morning.

Sharing a Good Friday meal

A lot of Christian families in Singapore observe Good Friday through special meals. People gather together with their family and friends and enjoy dishes such as roast lamb (which is usually the main dish), spiced bread or hot cross buns (which is typically baked with a cross symbol on the top), jellybeans, Easter candies, and Easter chocolates like chocolate rabbits and chocolate eggs.

Good Friday celebration for non-Christians

Christianity is second only to the largest religion in Singapore, coming after Buddhism which has the largest adherents. So, for those Singaporeans who do not follow the Christian faith, Good Friday is a day meant for several fun activities. Some of them may book trips within the country’s famous holiday spots as Good Friday is the start of a long weekend, while many others may spend the time off work just relaxing at home. Some Singaporeans traditionally attend family-friendly parties on Good Friday too – the Singapore Polo Club is one example where exciting activities are prepared for both children and adults to enjoy.

Dates of Observance for Good Friday
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 April 18 Friday Good Friday
2026 April 03 Friday Good Friday
2027 March 26 Friday Good Friday
2028 April 14 Friday Good Friday
2029 March 30 Friday Good Friday
2030 April 19 Friday Good Friday
Upcoming Singapore Holidays
Holiday Date
Hari Raya Puasa March 30, 2025
Good Friday April 18, 2025
Labour Day May 01, 2025
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Yearly calendar with Singapore Holidays

Download or print free 2025 calendar which includes the list of holidays in United States. Free holiday calendar templates in more than 130 countries are provided in PDF, Excel, and Microsoft Word format. For those who like to get a calendar that starts on Monday, we also have ISO calendar.

Monthly Calendar with Singapore Holidays

The March 2025 monthly calendar for the United States shows the holidays for the month, which is helpful in planning schedule and events in reference to the upcoming holidays in the US. It is available in PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats. You may select your preferred orientation and preferred start of week since we have Monday start calendar or Sunday start calendar.

Printable 2025 List of Holidays in Singapore

If you are looking for just a list of holidays in the United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates. You can choose from Letter, Legal and A4 paper sizes.