Good Friday in Ireland

When is Good Friday in Ireland?

Good Friday in Ireland is on April 18, 2025. It falls on Friday.

How many days until Good Friday in Ireland?

There are 28 Days left until Good Friday in Ireland.

Is Good Friday a public holiday in Ireland?

Good Friday, typically known as ‘Aoine an Chéasta’ in the Republic of Ireland, is a Christian event held annually in Ireland which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The specific date of the holiday varies every year, but Good Friday is consistently observed two days before the Easter Sunday. Good Friday would be observed on Friday between March and April.

Even though it is not officially declared as a public holiday in Ireland, Christian families observe this day usually by visiting church and spending time with family and friends. Good Friday is considered as a bank holiday since banks are close on this day. Some schools, businesses, establishments, and other organizations are closed even though it is not a public holiday. This day is certainly an important day for Irish people for this is the day where Jesus Christ got crucified. People would mourn for Jesus and repent their sins that made Jesus sacrifice himself.

About Good Friday

Many people believed Jesus died between 30 AD to 33 AD. He was crucified hundreds of years ago.

Ireland's Good Friday Agreement

Irish have this agreement called 'Good Friday Agreement' or 'Belfast Agreement where Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland could have finally peace for the respective nation. It was signed on the day of the holiday, April 10, 1998 in Northern Ireland. The agreement is done to have equality even with differences and be united without building walls. After a long run, people in Northern Ireland was asked to approve the agreement. Both nations eventually have their aimed mutual respect, rights, and trust. They are committed to respect each opinion without judging one and have peace. Good Friday Agreement was indeed the best historical event happened in two nations.

Good Friday Traditions and Activities in Ireland

Good Friday is the day to honor Jesus Christ’s death. Thus, people would mourn for it instead of having fun during the holiday. Irish people give so much respect for the said holiday that they would ban the alcohol beverages for the holiday. Most pubs and restaurants in the country would choose to close for this observance. It’s a great time where people can spend their time traveling in different places in the country to celebrate the holiday. Many people would visit cemetery and pray for those who died. Some Irish Christians would even do fasting to recall how Jesus suffered before his death.

Partaking in Church-organized Events

Jesus died at three in the afternoon, at this time Christians would attend masses in the church which will be usually held between twelve at noon to three o’clock. The mass would talk about the events focusing in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and how his remaining hours happened. They would also offer prayers thanking Jesus Christ and show gratitude to everyone. Recommended by old Irish people, silence would be filled at exactly three o’clock to show respect for the crucifixion of Jesus. Some Christians would join church activities like re-enacting Jesus’ death and how the ritual went when he got nailed in the cross. They would show its process with detailed acts. Some Irish people would do confessions and ask for forgiveness for the mistakes they have done and be quiet for the whole day.

Good Friday Traditional Beliefs

Many superstitious beliefs are observed by Irish people for Good Friday. On this day, they would get their hair cut for they think that it would make their hair grow thicker and longer than the usual. They thought that you would get your hair beautifully grown that’s why most women would get their hair cut. They would also wash their hair well done because they believe it would protect them from having headache throughout the year. Their nails would be trimmed for it was advised by aged people. On the other hand, men would not shave since it may cause bleeding and that is unlucky for it happened on the day Jesus died. They would avoid actions that may cause bleeding like shaving. At this time, farmers are concluded to be lucky. They would plant various vegetables, fruits, and seeds like cabbage, garlic, oats and many more. Many believed that these would certainly grow and get thrive. Houses are cleaned on this day for the Holy Week and get the house blessed by a priest.

Dates of Observance for Good Friday
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 April 18 Friday Good Friday
2026 April 03 Friday Good Friday
2027 March 26 Friday Good Friday
2028 April 14 Friday Good Friday
2029 March 30 Friday Good Friday
2030 April 19 Friday Good Friday
Upcoming Ireland Holidays
Holiday Date
Mother's Day March 30, 2025
Good Friday April 18, 2025
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
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Yearly calendar with Ireland Holidays

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Monthly Calendar with Ireland Holidays

The March 2025 monthly calendar for the United States shows the holidays for the month, which is helpful in planning schedule and events in reference to the upcoming holidays in the US. It is available in PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats. You may select your preferred orientation and preferred start of week since we have Monday start calendar or Sunday start calendar.

Printable 2025 List of Holidays in Ireland

If you are looking for just a list of holidays in the United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates. You can choose from Letter, Legal and A4 paper sizes.