Election Day in the United States

When is Election Day in United States?

Election Day in United States is on November 7, 2028. It falls on Tuesday.

How many days until Election Day in United States?

There are 1,363 Days left until Election Day in the United States.

Is Election Day a public holiday in United States?

Election Day in the United States is observed on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. It can occur between November 2 (being the earliest date), and November 8 (the latest date). This day is set by law for the general elections of federal public officials. This is the time when the public can exercise their voting rights and elect the officials whom they deemed fit to lead the country.

About Election Day

In the United States, one’s eligibility to vote is established based on the United States Constitution and by state law. Previously, as early as 17th century, the country’s voting rights is not granted to all competent adults of voting age. Instead, each state determines the qualifications necessary for an individual to vote. Some states require property qualification while other states based it on religion. There are also states which only allow white male voters as long as they meet the property requirement.

Who can vote in the United States Election?

The voting rights in the United States has a long history. Amendments have been made as years go by to extend the nation’s voting rights. Today, a U.S. citizen of voting age (18 years old on or before Election Day) can exercise his/her right to suffrage regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. Provided also that the voter meets his/her state’s residency requirements and has registered to vote.

Common Practices During Election Day in the United States

Election Day is not a federal holiday, though some states declare it as a public holiday such as Delaware, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, and West Virginia, among others. For states whose businesses continue to operate on Election Day, some employers may allow their workforce to come in late or finish work early so they can have the time to vote. Other countries in different continents also have their own Election Day including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Thailand, Philippines, Venezuela, United Kingdom, and many others.

How does election take place in the United States?

During Election Day, American people exercise their right to suffrage and the power to choose in federal, state, or local government offices. The length of office for the public officials vary. In the United States, presidential election happens every four years, while the congressional election occurs every two years. During Presidential election, voters select their leader in federal level – President, Vice President, and US Congress.

Generally, the candidates of election who has most votes from the public will be the one to lead the country and represent the American people. However, though most of the country’s appointed public officials are elected directly through popular votes, both the president and vice president are voted indirectly – through the process called Electoral College. The appointed electors for the Electoral College in each state will represent the general public and are tasked to cast the votes of their preferred president and vice president.

Why is American Presidential Election different from others?

The presidential election in the United states is a bit different compared to other countries. The political parties (dominated by the Republican and Democratic political parties) must pick one candidate to run for president and vice president. These two main political parties’ elect candidates by the process of primary election and caucuses which is held from January or February until June. The primary election is a preliminary poll where they are going to select their running candidates. The candidate is selected by the delegates – those who are supporting the candidate. In caucuses, it is a local meeting system in which an election itself is observed. They will apply the process called ‘Electoral College’. Electoral College is a body of electors chosen or appointed in each state based on the number of the state’s congressional delegation. These electors will cast their votes to the running president and vice president whom they considered most fitting to lead the country. The candidate who has majority of these electoral votes will be inaugurated as President and Vice President of the United States – with the four-year presidential term.

Contingent Elections

In cases where no candidate achieves an absolute majority of votes, a contingent election will then be observed. Meaning, the United States House of Representatives will elect the president where each state’s congressional delegation casts one vote on their chosen candidate, while the United States Senate on the other hand, will elect the vice president.

Dates of Observance for Election Day
Year Date Day Holiday
2028 November 07 Tuesday Election Day
2032 November 02 Tuesday Election Day
2036 November 04 Tuesday Election Day
2040 November 06 Tuesday Election Day
2044 November 08 Tuesday Election Day
2048 November 03 Tuesday Election Day
Upcoming United States Holidays
Holiday Date
Valentine's Day February 14, 2025
Washington's Birthday February 17, 2025
St. Patrick's Day March 17, 2025
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Printable 2025 List of Holidays in United States

If you are looking to print or download just a list of holidays in United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates.