Early May Bank Holiday in United Kingdom

When is Early May Bank Holiday in United Kingdom?

Early May Bank Holiday in United Kingdom is on May 5, 2025. It falls on Monday.

How many days until Early May Bank Holiday in United Kingdom?

There are 38 Days left until Early May Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom.

Is Early May Bank Holiday a public holiday in United Kingdom?

Early May Bank Holiday, otherwise known as May Day, is obviously one of the bank holidays in United Kingdom. It marks the start of the summer season.

Origin of Early May Bank Holiday

Early May Bank Holiday, also known as May Day, is a holiday commemorated in the United Kingdom. It is a national public holiday celebrated every first Monday in the month of May. All schools are closed and most of workers are given a day-off from work as well since it is a one of the bank holidays in UK.

When did Early May Bank Holiday become an official holiday in the UK?

On year 1978, Early May Bank Holiday was introduced as an official holiday in the United Kingdom. Even before it was declared as an official holiday, people have been celebrating this for centuries. The holiday is associated with ancient pagan celebration, which is mainly characterized by dancing, singing, community gatherings, and other events. Traditionally, Early May Bank Holiday is marked with a feast honoring the start of the summer season. In recent years, most places celebrate the holiday as a commemoration for the employees’ rights. That was after the same day was labeled as the International Worker’s Day by the socialists and communists. Aside from the United Kingdom, several countries around the world also observe May Day.

Early May Bank Holiday Traditions

Crowning a May Queen

Crowning a May Queen is a traditional event for the British people. The crowned queen would act as a living image of the Roman Goddess Flora, the Goddess of flowers. Such event was referred by historians as Floralia, festival of flowers. Floralia is the earliest known celebration associated with May Day which dates back to the Roman Republic era. It is said to inspire how May Day is celebrated nowadays. Making floral garlands and decorating houses with flowers and leaves is also observed.

Maypole Dancing

The celebration also involves on dancing around a maypole. A maypole is a tall pole which is sometimes painted and decorated with flowers or other design materials where a ribbon is attached at the top of the pole. The ribbons attached to it is where the children or whoever dances around the pole hold when they begin dancing or making circles around it. In some places in UK, girls would wake up earlier than the usual and wash their faces, inspired by a belief that it would make them more beautiful in the incoming year. For some people, this holiday is taken a day to exercise their workers’ rights.

Dates of Observance for Early May Bank Holiday
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 May 05 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
2026 May 04 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
2027 May 03 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
2028 May 01 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
2029 May 07 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
2030 May 06 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
Upcoming United Kingdom Holidays
Holiday Date
Mother's Day March 30, 2025
Good Friday April 18, 2025
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
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Monthly Calendar with United Kingdom Holidays

The March 2025 monthly calendar for the United States shows the holidays for the month, which is helpful in planning schedule and events in reference to the upcoming holidays in the US. It is available in PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats. You may select your preferred orientation and preferred start of week since we have Monday start calendar or Sunday start calendar.

Printable 2025 List of Holidays in United Kingdom

If you are looking for just a list of holidays in the United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates. You can choose from Letter, Legal and A4 paper sizes.