Biweekly Timesheet With Multiple Breaks in Word
The free biweekly timesheet template in Word format features multiple breaks – lunch break and two extra breaks. It is free to download, edit, or print.
Having a timesheet has its own advantages. Aside from making time tracking much easier, it serves as a record of an employee’s working time during a certain period. If you are looking for a time card template with multiple breaks, this free biweekly time card calculator with lunch break and two unpaid breaks would work for you.
To complete the template, just fill out the details required in each blank section. The template features sections for company name, employee name, employee ID, period covered, date, day of week, time in, time out, break, lunch, total hours, weekly total, total billable hours, and approver’s name and signature.
The bottom part of the page also displays a section where the manager/supervisor can attach his/her name and signature upon approval of the two-week timesheet. If this template suits your needs, get it now. It is downloadable, editable, and printable in Word format. The PDF format is the recommended format for those who want to print the template directly.
This biweekly timesheet is also available in Excel, which is a perfect version to use if you want the total hours to be automatically calculated based on the time in and time out details entered.