Administrative Professionals Day in the United States

When is Administrative Professionals Day in United States?

Administrative Professionals Day in United States is on April 23, 2025. It falls on Wednesday.

How many days until Administrative Professionals Day in United States?

There are 33 Days left until Administrative Professionals Day in the United States.

Is Administrative Professionals Day a public holiday in United States?

Administrative Professionals Day is observed annually in the United States every Wednesday of the last full week of April. This observance is also known as Admin Day or Secretary’s Day. It is a non a public holiday, so the country’s business establishments and educational institutions should operate with their regular schedules. This day celebrates and recognizes the role of all administrative professionals in a workplace.

Administrative Professionals Day Origin

Administrative Professionals Day is an appreciation day for all secretary officials and administrative professionals working in any industry. Originally, Secretary’s Day is the former name of this observance. Secretary’s Day had always been the term used by the Americans since year 1952, the same year it was first celebrated. However, this was altered back in year 2000. From Secretary’s Day, it was renamed and became Administrative Professionals Day’ which is now the term used by most Americans.

Who established the Admins’ Day?

Mary Barrett (the President of National Secretaries Association), King Woodbridge (the President of Dictaphone Corporation, C.), and Harry F. Klemfuss and Darren Ball (Public Relations Account Executives at Young & Rubicam) were the people behind the establishment of this observance.

Common Practices on Administrative Professional's Day

Aside from United States, many other countries also celebrate Administrative Professionals Day though the dates may vary. Canada, Malaysia, and Hongkong celebrate this the same date as that of the Americans. In New Zealand, they celebrate this on April’s third Wednesday while France, Belgium, and Netherlands observe it on the third Thursday of April.

How do Americans celebrate Administrative Professionals Day?

Although this day might be a regular day in the United States, most of the country’s offices would prepare something to celebrate this day. The spotlight is focused to all administrative workers (e.g. secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, office managers, etc.) and the importance of the role they play in the office. To recognize their hard work, the employers and other staffs would often give these administrative personnel ‘appreciation or thank you cards’ on this day. Written messages can either be long or short, but the cards should normally contain appreciative thoughts towards the honored individuals.

The practice of giving a token of appreciation for these administrative professionals has also become customary for some offices during this day’s celebration. Aside from thank you cards, other typical presents usually given include flowers, box of chocolates, candies, free meals, and gifts (e.g. gift certificates, gift baskets, etc.).

Special events for the administrative workforce

On this day, most of the employers and supervisors would also prepare events or surprises to show their gratitude, acknowledgement, and appreciation to all administrative workers of the entire level in their workplaces. Some would even organize special presentations or performances to make the day livelier. In some companies, there are employers who would traditionally give their workers an early off from work to give them time to relax. Generally, anything that shows importance and appreciation to the administrative workforce is the highlight of this day.

Dates of Observance for Administrative Professionals Day
Year Date Day Holiday
2025 April 23 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
2026 April 22 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
2027 April 21 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
2028 April 26 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
2029 April 25 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
2030 April 24 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day
Upcoming United States Holidays
Holiday Date
Tax Day April 15, 2025
Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
Administrative Professionals Day April 23, 2025
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Monthly Calendar with United States Holidays

The March 2025 monthly calendar for the United States shows the holidays for the month, which is helpful in planning schedule and events in reference to the upcoming holidays in the US. It is available in PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats. You may select your preferred orientation and preferred start of week since we have Monday start calendar or Sunday start calendar.

Printable 2025 List of Holidays in United States

If you are looking to print or download just a list of holidays in United States for the year 2025, we have that available in PDF, Word and Excel formats. This can be helpful for those who like to keep track of the holidays, be it for travel, work or any other purposes. It is free to use, just like the rest of our templates.